This is the moving classic Christmas tale of Scrooge’s journey to redemption, guided by the ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future, and a host of well-loved characters met along the way: Scrooge’s deceased business partner Marley with advice from the grave; his merry one-time employer Fezziwig; the high-spirited nephew, Fred; a lost love from his youth; and of course Scrooge’s long-suffering employee Bob Cratchit and adoring family, including the sickly but ever-optimistic Tiny Tim.
The Christmas Carol Experience company’s original adaptation of Dickens’ original text brings the much-loved tale to life with characterful narration and beautiful live singing that underscores and winds its way through the story.
The story is related by a single narrator, and at the heart of the performance are the carefully selected Christmas songs – beautiful a capella arrangements of medieval festive numbers, well-known carols, and contemporary classics - that are performed by The Christmas Carol Experience singers, an intimate close-harmony group.
Since Christmas 2016, audiences of all varieties have been led by the sequence of ghosts through Dickensian London, from sold out churches of hundreds to restaurants embracing the Christmas spirit; from work parties, theatre spaces, village halls to a Christmas wedding party.